About True Blue Lacrosse
True Blue Lacrosse is a grass roots program started by a few parents interested in having their children play outside the typical regional tournaments and has now matured into a dedicated, conscientious Travel Lacrosse Organization. The True Blue initiative is to provide an affordable program and create a comprehensive lacrosse community. The core values of the program will focus on being highly competitive while maintaining the spirit to enjoy the game. All coaches will be hand selected for their ability to raise every player’s game and their strong desire to instill good sportsmanship. Tournament selection will include the acclaimed regional venues along with a continued search for quality Tournaments that provide a Family Friendly environment.
The mission of True Blue Lacrosse is to provide our Youth players the highest level of lacrosse instruction, develop them through High School, and then support each player in reaching their collegiate goals. We know that being a part of a college lacrosse team, at any level, is a positive and worthwhile experience. Our staff is full of college coaches and industry professionals who are intimate with the process. This ensures being advised of the appropriate College Recruiting Camps and entering the appropriate Travel Team Recruiting Tournaments.
At True Blue Lacrosse, Commitment and Character are the cornerstones for building our Lacrosse Community. Commitment means that our players will make every practice, be on time for all events, and be ready and willing to put in the extra effort required by their coach. Character means that our players will conduct themselves with integrity and respect. We also provide opportunities to do charitable work as we believe giving back to one’s Community is exercising Character in the most rewarding way.
Being part of the True Blue Lacrosse Community is never ending. For us, a measure of success will be having our college alumni always feeling welcome to return to any True Blue event. We believe there are numerous ways in which the college alumni will want to contribute. Time on the field is the most obvious and we expect there will be conversations affirming the importance of academics and making good decisions. Parents may also gain insight into the recruiting process by asking the alumni about their own experience.
Thank You- TBL
“The price of success is hard work, dedication to the job at hand, and the determination that whether we win or lose, we have applied the best of ourselves to the task at hand. ”
~ Vince Lombardi